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Osteopath & Director

Dr Jennifer Love

“ I am passionate about healing the individual on a mind, body and lifestyle level. All too often these are neglected in our modern-day society. I am a firm believer in the ying and yang aspects of life. That is the feminine and masculine. I bring the nurturing feminine aspect to my work”

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I hold a Masters in Osteopathy from RMIT and have completed postgraduate studies in Biodynamic and Craniosacral Osteopathy. I am a certified rising feminine life coach and offer life coaching at Muna. I am highly intuitive and focused, yet light-hearted and optimistic with my work.
With a keen interest in women’s health issues, I have always been drawn to feminine wellness. I have helped many patients deal with chronic menstrual pain and in managing the changes that occur during pregnancy, both pre and postpartum.  I'm also a mum so I get it.

As an osteopath, I work with patients who suffer from low back pain, joint pain and migraines, to digestive issues and autoimmune conditions.  I use a combination of exercises, along with both gentle (craniosacral) and stronger (structural) hands-on approaches in my treatments.

In my spare time, I enjoy various sporting and outdoor activities.  I am a keen traveller, having travelled worldwide. On one trip, I spent time in Kenya volunteering with a medical charity, Medics to Africa where I helped deliver two babies, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, and provided training to physiotherapists in post-surgical wards.

Dr. Jen Love is currently available for appointments on Wednesday mornings and Thursday mornings.