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Clinical Psychologist

Celeste Grant

"Some people come to therapy requiring assistance with a specific mental health concern such as Social Anxiety or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Other people may come to therapy keen to improve their confidence, reduce their sense of overwhelm or build their skills for managing their emotions, For some people there is a combination of all of the above!”

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I have been a clinical psychologist since 2007, seeing adolescents and adults. In the past I have worked as a psychologist at the specialist mood disorders clinic at Orygen Youth Health seeing young people aged 15-25 with severe mood disorders. I have also worked as a senior clinician and supervisor at eheadspace and headspace supporting clinicians in their work with young people.  

During an initial appointment, I ask lots of questions to get my head around what is happening for the person, and they can get a sense of whether they feel comfortable with me. From there, we agree on some goals and talk together about how we work towards them. Sometimes sessions include exercises such as guided imagery or creating a diagram. Where appropriate, I might sometimes invite people to complete some tasks between sessions to help them work towards their goals.